SqueezeBrains SDK 1.18
CTutorial11_CheckLicenseConfiguration.CheckLicense | Tutorial 3 - How to check the compatibility of a project with a license configuration. |
CTutorial12_DeepCortexDetect.DeepCortexDetect | Tutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images |
CTutorial14_DeepSurfaceDetect.DeepSurfaceDetect | Tutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images |
CTutorial1_InitLibrary.InitLibrary | Tutorial 1 - How to initialize the library |
Cretina_svl_user_data | |
CTutorial3_RetinaDetect.RetinaDetect | Tutorial 3 - Retina - How to elaborate images |
CTutorial7_RetinaMultiProject.RetinaMultiProject | Tutorial 7 - Retina - How to use more than one project to detect objects. |
Csb_cs::Sb | Sb Main Class |
Csb_svl_user_data | |
Csb_t_bgra | Defines the color in the format BGRA |
Csb_t_blob | Defines a blob |
Csb_t_blob_par | Defines the parameters for blob analysis |
Csb_t_blobs | Defines a blobs list |
Csb_t_blobs_info | Defines the information about the blob analysis |
Csb_t_device_info | Information about a computing device |
Csb_t_devices_info | List of computing devices available on the machine |
Csb_t_devices_par | Property of computational devices |
Csb_t_elaborated_image | Elaborated image |
Csb_t_elaborated_images | List of elaborated images |
Csb_t_file | Defines the single file |
Csb_t_folder | Defines the list of the file in a folder |
Csb_t_frameworks | Frameworks list |
Csb_t_image | Defines an image |
Csb_t_image_info_detail | Image information details structure |
Csb_t_image_info_details | Array of the image information details structure |
Csb_t_info | General information about sb library and computing devices like CPU and GPUs |
Csb_t_license | Defines the license and its properties |
Csb_t_license_configuration | Defines the configurations of the license |
Csb_t_license_module | Defines all the attributes and properties of a license module |
Csb_t_lut_point | Struct that defines the coordinates of a point of a lut |
Csb_t_memory_info | Memory information |
Csb_t_metrics | Metrics calculated on counters |
Csb_t_ocr_res | Results of OCR analysis |
Csb_t_par | Project parameters |
Csb_t_par_changes_info | Information on what sb_project_set_par and sb_image_info_apply_par_changes do when they apply the new parameters |
Csb_t_par_level | Level parameters |
Csb_t_par_levels | Levels parameter array |
Csb_t_par_model | Parameters of a model |
Csb_t_par_model_lut | Information about mapping between old and new models and levels in the sb_t_par structure |
Csb_t_par_models | Array of models parameters |
Csb_t_par_perturbation | Describes the perturbation of a sample |
Csb_t_par_perturbations | List of the perturbations of a sample |
Csb_t_par_sl | Shallow Learning modules parameters |
Csb_t_point | Represents an ordered pair of integer x and y coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane |
Csb_t_point2d_f | Represents an ordered pair of float x and y coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane |
Csb_t_project_detection_info | Detection information structure |
Csb_t_project_info | Project info structure |
Csb_t_projects_info | Array of the projects info |
Csb_t_range | Represents an ordered pair of 32 bits signed integer minimum and maximum values that defines a range |
Csb_t_range_flt | Represents an ordered pair of float minimum and maximum values that defines a range |
Csb_t_rect | Defines the position and size of a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane |
Csb_t_res | Results of detection |
Csb_t_res_model | Defines the results of a model |
Csb_t_res_models | Defines the results of the models |
Csb_t_rgba | Defines the color in the format RGBA |
Csb_t_rle | Defines a RLE |
Csb_t_rle_seg | Define a RLE segment |
Csb_t_roi | Defines a roi |
Csb_t_sample | Sample of an image |
Csb_t_sample_weights_image | Image of weights of the sample |
Csb_t_samples | Samples of an image |
Csb_t_scale_offset_par | Offsets to change scale ranges |
Csb_t_size | Represents an ordered pair of integer x and y length that defines a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane |
Csb_t_size_flt | Represents an ordered pair of float x and y length that defines a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane |
Csb_t_solution_info | Solution info structure |
Csb_t_stat | Statistics of the elaborations done with the function sb_project_detection |
Csb_t_stat_model | Statistics of a model |
Csb_t_stat_models | Statistics of a model |
Csb_t_surface_res | Defines the result of the Surface analysis |
Csb_t_svl_dl_par | SVL parameters to configure the Deep Learning training |
Csb_t_svl_dl_par_network | Deep Learning network parameters |
Csb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbation | Describes the perturbation of the image / defect |
Csb_t_svl_dl_tiling_par | Image tiling parameters |
Csb_t_svl_err | Contains information regarding the error of the SVL |
Csb_t_svl_par | SVL parameters |
Csb_t_svl_pre_elaboration | Contains the results of the image pre-processing |
Csb_t_svl_res | Defines the results of SVL |
Csb_t_svl_res_epoch | Results of a training epoch |
Csb_t_svl_res_epochs | Results of the training epochs |
Csb_t_svl_res_image | Defines the results of the elaboration of the SVL of an image |
Csb_t_svl_res_images | Defines the results of the elaboration of the SVL images |
Csb_t_svl_res_level | Results of the SVL of a level per model |
Csb_t_svl_res_levels | Results of the SVL of a levels processed |
Csb_t_svl_res_model | Results of the SVL of a specific model |
Csb_t_svl_res_models | Results of the SVL of a models processed |
Csb_t_svl_sl_par | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training |
Csb_t_tile | Defines a tile |
Csb_t_tiles | Tiles list |
Csb_t_tiles_info | Information about the tiles used to process the image |
Csb_t_version | Defines the version |
Csb_cs::SbBgra | bgra class that wraps the sb_t_bgra structure |
Csb_cs::SbBlob | Blob class that wraps the sb_t_blob structure |
Csb_cs::SbBlobPar | Blob analysis parameters Class that wraps the structure sb_t_blob_par |
►Csb_cs::SbCommon | Common class |
Csb_cs::SbDefines | Defines class |
Csb_cs::SbDeviceInfo | Characteristics of a computing device. It wraps the sb_t_device_info structure. |
Csb_cs::SbDevicesPar | Defines computing device types that wraps the sb_t_devices_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbLicenseConfiguration | License configuration class that wraps the sb_t_license_configuration structure |
Csb_cs::SbLicenseModule | License module Class that wraps the sb_t_license_module structure |
Csb_cs::SbMemoryInfo | Memory information. It wraps the sb_t_memory_info structure. |
Csb_cs::SbMetrics | Surface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure |
Csb_cs::SbParLevel | Level parameters Class that wraps the sb_t_level_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbParModel | Model parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_model structure |
Csb_cs::SbParSl | Shallow Learning modules parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_sl structure |
Csb_cs::SbPerturbation | Perturbations Class that wraps the sb_t_perturbation structure |
Csb_cs::SbPoint | Point class that wraps the sb_t_point structure |
Csb_cs::SbPoint2dF | Point class that wraps the sb_t_point2d_f structure |
Csb_cs::SbProjectInfo | Project info Class |
Csb_cs::SbRange | Range value class that wraps the sb_t_range structure |
Csb_cs::SbRangeFlt | Range value class that wraps the sb_t_range_flt structure |
Csb_cs::SbRect | Rectangle class that wraps the sb_t_rect structure |
Csb_cs::SbRes | Class of the results of the image elaboration with the SbProject::Detection method. The class wraps the sb_t_res structure. |
Csb_cs::SbResModel | Model res Class that wraps the sb_t_res_model structure |
Csb_cs::SbResOCR | Results of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure |
Csb_cs::SbRgba | rgba class that wraps the sb_t_rgba structure |
Csb_cs::SbRleSeg | Image rle segment enumeration that wraps the sb_t_rle_seg structure |
Csb_cs::SbSample | Sample class that wraps the sb_t_sample structure. |
Csb_cs::SbSampleWeightsImage | Sample weight image Class that wraps the sb_t_sample_weights_image structure. |
Csb_cs::SbSize | Size class that wraps the sb_t_size structure |
Csb_cs::SbSizeFlt | Size class that wraps the sb_t_size_flt structure |
Csb_cs::SbSolution | Solution class |
Csb_cs::SbSurfaceRes | Surface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlDlPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlDlParNetwork | Deep Learning network parameters class that wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_network structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlDlParPerturbation | Describes the perturbation of the image / defect, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbation structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlDlTilingPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_tiling_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlPar | Svl parameters (not used at the moment) that wraps the sb_t_svl_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbSvlSlPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure |
Csb_cs::SbTile | Results of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure
Csb_cs::SbTilesInfo | Information about the tiles used to process the image
Csb_cs::SbTime | Time class |
Csb_cs::SbUtils | Utils Class |
Csb_cs::SbVersion | Version class that wraps the sb_t_version structure |
CTutorial9_SurfaceDetect.SurfaceDetect | Tutorial 9 - Surface - How to elaborate images |