SqueezeBrains SDK 1.18
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CTutorial11_CheckLicenseConfiguration.CheckLicenseTutorial 3 - How to check the compatibility of a project with a license configuration.
 CTutorial12_DeepCortexDetect.DeepCortexDetectTutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images
 CTutorial14_DeepSurfaceDetect.DeepSurfaceDetectTutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images
 CTutorial1_InitLibrary.InitLibraryTutorial 1 - How to initialize the library
 CTutorial3_RetinaDetect.RetinaDetectTutorial 3 - Retina - How to elaborate images
 CTutorial7_RetinaMultiProject.RetinaMultiProjectTutorial 7 - Retina - How to use more than one project to detect objects.
 Csb_cs::SbSb Main Class
 Csb_t_bgraDefines the color in the format BGRA
 Csb_t_blobDefines a blob
 Csb_t_blob_parDefines the parameters for blob analysis
 Csb_t_blobsDefines a blobs list
 Csb_t_blobs_infoDefines the information about the blob analysis
 Csb_t_device_infoInformation about a computing device
 Csb_t_devices_infoList of computing devices available on the machine
 Csb_t_devices_parProperty of computational devices
 Csb_t_elaborated_imageElaborated image
 Csb_t_elaborated_imagesList of elaborated images
 Csb_t_fileDefines the single file
 Csb_t_folderDefines the list of the file in a folder
 Csb_t_frameworksFrameworks list
 Csb_t_imageDefines an image
 Csb_t_image_info_detailImage information details structure
 Csb_t_image_info_detailsArray of the image information details structure
 Csb_t_infoGeneral information about sb library and computing devices like CPU and GPUs
 Csb_t_licenseDefines the license and its properties
 Csb_t_license_configurationDefines the configurations of the license
 Csb_t_license_moduleDefines all the attributes and properties of a license module
 Csb_t_lut_pointStruct that defines the coordinates of a point of a lut
 Csb_t_memory_infoMemory information
 Csb_t_metricsMetrics calculated on counters
 Csb_t_ocr_resResults of OCR analysis
 Csb_t_parProject parameters
 Csb_t_par_changes_infoInformation on what sb_project_set_par and sb_image_info_apply_par_changes do when they apply the new parameters
 Csb_t_par_levelLevel parameters
 Csb_t_par_levelsLevels parameter array
 Csb_t_par_modelParameters of a model
 Csb_t_par_model_lutInformation about mapping between old and new models and levels in the sb_t_par structure
 Csb_t_par_modelsArray of models parameters
 Csb_t_par_perturbationDescribes the perturbation of a sample
 Csb_t_par_perturbationsList of the perturbations of a sample
 Csb_t_par_slShallow Learning modules parameters
 Csb_t_pointRepresents an ordered pair of integer x and y coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane
 Csb_t_point2d_fRepresents an ordered pair of float x and y coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane
 Csb_t_project_detection_infoDetection information structure
 Csb_t_project_infoProject info structure
 Csb_t_projects_infoArray of the projects info
 Csb_t_rangeRepresents an ordered pair of 32 bits signed integer minimum and maximum values that defines a range
 Csb_t_range_fltRepresents an ordered pair of float minimum and maximum values that defines a range
 Csb_t_rectDefines the position and size of a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane
 Csb_t_resResults of detection
 Csb_t_res_modelDefines the results of a model
 Csb_t_res_modelsDefines the results of the models
 Csb_t_rgbaDefines the color in the format RGBA
 Csb_t_rleDefines a RLE
 Csb_t_rle_segDefine a RLE segment
 Csb_t_roiDefines a roi
 Csb_t_sampleSample of an image
 Csb_t_sample_weights_imageImage of weights of the sample
 Csb_t_samplesSamples of an image
 Csb_t_scale_offset_parOffsets to change scale ranges
 Csb_t_sizeRepresents an ordered pair of integer x and y length that defines a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane
 Csb_t_size_fltRepresents an ordered pair of float x and y length that defines a rectangle in a two-dimensional plane
 Csb_t_solution_infoSolution info structure
 Csb_t_statStatistics of the elaborations done with the function sb_project_detection
 Csb_t_stat_modelStatistics of a model
 Csb_t_stat_modelsStatistics of a model
 Csb_t_surface_resDefines the result of the Surface analysis
 Csb_t_svl_dl_parSVL parameters to configure the Deep Learning training
 Csb_t_svl_dl_par_networkDeep Learning network parameters
 Csb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbationDescribes the perturbation of the image / defect
 Csb_t_svl_dl_tiling_parImage tiling parameters
 Csb_t_svl_errContains information regarding the error of the SVL
 Csb_t_svl_parSVL parameters
 Csb_t_svl_pre_elaborationContains the results of the image pre-processing
 Csb_t_svl_resDefines the results of SVL
 Csb_t_svl_res_epochResults of a training epoch
 Csb_t_svl_res_epochsResults of the training epochs
 Csb_t_svl_res_imageDefines the results of the elaboration of the SVL of an image
 Csb_t_svl_res_imagesDefines the results of the elaboration of the SVL images
 Csb_t_svl_res_levelResults of the SVL of a level per model
 Csb_t_svl_res_levelsResults of the SVL of a levels processed
 Csb_t_svl_res_modelResults of the SVL of a specific model
 Csb_t_svl_res_modelsResults of the SVL of a models processed
 Csb_t_svl_sl_parSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training
 Csb_t_tileDefines a tile
 Csb_t_tilesTiles list
 Csb_t_tiles_infoInformation about the tiles used to process the image
 Csb_t_versionDefines the version
 Csb_cs::SbBgrabgra class that wraps the sb_t_bgra structure
 Csb_cs::SbBlobBlob class that wraps the sb_t_blob structure
 Csb_cs::SbBlobParBlob analysis parameters Class that wraps the structure sb_t_blob_par
 Csb_cs::SbCommonCommon class
 Csb_cs::SbDefinesDefines class
 Csb_cs::SbDeviceInfoCharacteristics of a computing device. It wraps the sb_t_device_info structure.
 Csb_cs::SbDevicesParDefines computing device types that wraps the sb_t_devices_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbLicenseConfigurationLicense configuration class that wraps the sb_t_license_configuration structure
 Csb_cs::SbLicenseModuleLicense module Class that wraps the sb_t_license_module structure
 Csb_cs::SbMemoryInfoMemory information. It wraps the sb_t_memory_info structure.
 Csb_cs::SbMetricsSurface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure
 Csb_cs::SbParLevelLevel parameters Class that wraps the sb_t_level_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbParModelModel parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_model structure
 Csb_cs::SbParSlShallow Learning modules parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_sl structure
 Csb_cs::SbPerturbationPerturbations Class that wraps the sb_t_perturbation structure
 Csb_cs::SbPointPoint class that wraps the sb_t_point structure
 Csb_cs::SbPoint2dFPoint class that wraps the sb_t_point2d_f structure
 Csb_cs::SbProjectInfoProject info Class
 Csb_cs::SbRangeRange value class that wraps the sb_t_range structure
 Csb_cs::SbRangeFltRange value class that wraps the sb_t_range_flt structure
 Csb_cs::SbRectRectangle class that wraps the sb_t_rect structure
 Csb_cs::SbResClass of the results of the image elaboration with the SbProject::Detection method. The class wraps the sb_t_res structure.
 Csb_cs::SbResModelModel res Class that wraps the sb_t_res_model structure
 Csb_cs::SbResOCRResults of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure
 Csb_cs::SbRgbargba class that wraps the sb_t_rgba structure
 Csb_cs::SbRleSegImage rle segment enumeration that wraps the sb_t_rle_seg structure
 Csb_cs::SbSampleSample class that wraps the sb_t_sample structure.
 Csb_cs::SbSampleWeightsImageSample weight image Class that wraps the sb_t_sample_weights_image structure.
 Csb_cs::SbSizeSize class that wraps the sb_t_size structure
 Csb_cs::SbSizeFltSize class that wraps the sb_t_size_flt structure
 Csb_cs::SbSolutionSolution class
 Csb_cs::SbSurfaceResSurface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlDlParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlDlParNetworkDeep Learning network parameters class that wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_network structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlDlParPerturbationDescribes the perturbation of the image / defect, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbation structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlDlTilingParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_tiling_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlParSvl parameters (not used at the moment) that wraps the sb_t_svl_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbSvlSlParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure
 Csb_cs::SbTileResults of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure

See also
 Csb_cs::SbTilesInfoInformation about the tiles used to process the image

See also
 Csb_cs::SbTimeTime class
 Csb_cs::SbUtilsUtils Class
 Csb_cs::SbVersionVersion class that wraps the sb_t_version structure
 CTutorial9_SurfaceDetect.SurfaceDetectTutorial 9 - Surface - How to elaborate images