SqueezeBrains SDK 1.18
▼Nsb_cs | SB Namespace |
CSb | Sb Main Class |
CSbBgra | bgra class that wraps the sb_t_bgra structure |
CSbBlob | Blob class that wraps the sb_t_blob structure |
CSbBlobPar | Blob analysis parameters Class that wraps the structure sb_t_blob_par |
CSbCommon | Common class |
CSbDefines | Defines class |
CSbDeviceInfo | Characteristics of a computing device. It wraps the sb_t_device_info structure. |
CSbDevicesPar | Defines computing device types that wraps the sb_t_devices_par structure |
CSbFolder | Folder Class that wraps the sb_t_folder structure |
CSbImage | SbImage class that wraps the sb_t_image structure. You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbInfo | Info class that wraps the sb_t_info structure. You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbLicense | License Class that wraps the sb_t_license structure. You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbLicenseConfiguration | License configuration class that wraps the sb_t_license_configuration structure |
CSbLicenseModule | License module Class that wraps the sb_t_license_module structure |
CSbMemoryInfo | Memory information. It wraps the sb_t_memory_info structure. |
CSbMetrics | Surface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure |
CSbPar | Parameters Class that wraps the sb_t_par structure. You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbParLevel | Level parameters Class that wraps the sb_t_level_par structure |
CSbParModel | Model parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_model structure |
CSbParSl | Shallow Learning modules parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_sl structure |
CSbPerturbation | Perturbations Class that wraps the sb_t_perturbation structure |
CSbPoint | Point class that wraps the sb_t_point structure |
CSbPoint2dF | Point class that wraps the sb_t_point2d_f structure |
CSbProject | Project Class You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbProjectInfo | Project info Class |
CSbRange | Range value class that wraps the sb_t_range structure |
CSbRangeFlt | Range value class that wraps the sb_t_range_flt structure |
CSbRect | Rectangle class that wraps the sb_t_rect structure |
CSbRes | Class of the results of the image elaboration with the SbProject::Detection method. The class wraps the sb_t_res structure. |
CSbResModel | Model res Class that wraps the sb_t_res_model structure |
CSbResOCR | Results of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure |
CSbRgba | rgba class that wraps the sb_t_rgba structure |
CSbRleSeg | Image rle segment enumeration that wraps the sb_t_rle_seg structure |
CSbRoi | ROI Class that wraps the sb_t_roi structure. You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance. |
CSbSample | Sample class that wraps the sb_t_sample structure. |
CSbSampleWeightsImage | Sample weight image Class that wraps the sb_t_sample_weights_image structure. |
CSbSize | Size class that wraps the sb_t_size structure |
CSbSizeFlt | Size class that wraps the sb_t_size_flt structure |
CSbSolution | Solution class |
CSbSolutionInfo | Solution Info Class that wraps the sb_t_solution_info structure |
CSbSurfaceRes | Surface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure |
CSbSvlDlPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure |
CSbSvlDlParNetwork | Deep Learning network parameters class that wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_network structure |
CSbSvlDlParPerturbation | Describes the perturbation of the image / defect, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbation structure |
CSbSvlDlTilingPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_tiling_par structure |
CSbSvlPar | Svl parameters (not used at the moment) that wraps the sb_t_svl_par structure |
CSbSvlSlPar | SVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure |
CSbTile | Results of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure
CSbTilesInfo | Information about the tiles used to process the image
CSbTime | Time class |
CSbUtils | Utils Class |
CSbVersion | Version class that wraps the sb_t_version structure |
▼NTutorial11_CheckLicenseConfiguration | |
CCheckLicense | Tutorial 3 - How to check the compatibility of a project with a license configuration. |
▼NTutorial12_DeepCortexDetect | |
CDeepCortexDetect | Tutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images |
▼NTutorial14_DeepSurfaceDetect | |
CDeepSurfaceDetect | Tutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images |
▼NTutorial1_InitLibrary | |
CInitLibrary | Tutorial 1 - How to initialize the library |
▼NTutorial3_RetinaDetect | |
CRetinaDetect | Tutorial 3 - Retina - How to elaborate images |
▼NTutorial7_RetinaMultiProject | |
CRetinaMultiProject | Tutorial 7 - Retina - How to use more than one project to detect objects. |
▼NTutorial9_SurfaceDetect | |
CSurfaceDetect | Tutorial 9 - Surface - How to elaborate images |