SqueezeBrains SDK 1.18
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nsb_csSB Namespace
 CSbSb Main Class
 CSbBgrabgra class that wraps the sb_t_bgra structure
 CSbBlobBlob class that wraps the sb_t_blob structure
 CSbBlobParBlob analysis parameters Class that wraps the structure sb_t_blob_par
 CSbCommonCommon class
 CSbDefinesDefines class
 CSbDeviceInfoCharacteristics of a computing device. It wraps the sb_t_device_info structure.
 CSbDevicesParDefines computing device types that wraps the sb_t_devices_par structure
 CSbFolderFolder Class that wraps the sb_t_folder structure
 CSbImageSbImage class that wraps the sb_t_image structure.
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbInfoInfo class that wraps the sb_t_info structure.
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbLicenseLicense Class that wraps the sb_t_license structure.
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbLicenseConfigurationLicense configuration class that wraps the sb_t_license_configuration structure
 CSbLicenseModuleLicense module Class that wraps the sb_t_license_module structure
 CSbMemoryInfoMemory information. It wraps the sb_t_memory_info structure.
 CSbMetricsSurface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure
 CSbParParameters Class that wraps the sb_t_par structure.
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbParLevelLevel parameters Class that wraps the sb_t_level_par structure
 CSbParModelModel parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_model structure
 CSbParSlShallow Learning modules parameters class that wraps the sb_t_par_sl structure
 CSbPerturbationPerturbations Class that wraps the sb_t_perturbation structure
 CSbPointPoint class that wraps the sb_t_point structure
 CSbPoint2dFPoint class that wraps the sb_t_point2d_f structure
 CSbProjectProject Class
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbProjectInfoProject info Class
 CSbRangeRange value class that wraps the sb_t_range structure
 CSbRangeFltRange value class that wraps the sb_t_range_flt structure
 CSbRectRectangle class that wraps the sb_t_rect structure
 CSbResClass of the results of the image elaboration with the SbProject::Detection method. The class wraps the sb_t_res structure.
 CSbResModelModel res Class that wraps the sb_t_res_model structure
 CSbResOCRResults of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure
 CSbRgbargba class that wraps the sb_t_rgba structure
 CSbRleSegImage rle segment enumeration that wraps the sb_t_rle_seg structure
 CSbRoiROI Class that wraps the sb_t_roi structure.
You must call the Dispose() method to free all the resources of the returned instance.
 CSbSampleSample class that wraps the sb_t_sample structure.
 CSbSampleWeightsImageSample weight image Class that wraps the sb_t_sample_weights_image structure.
 CSbSizeSize class that wraps the sb_t_size structure
 CSbSizeFltSize class that wraps the sb_t_size_flt structure
 CSbSolutionSolution class
 CSbSolutionInfoSolution Info Class that wraps the sb_t_solution_info structure
 CSbSurfaceResSurface res Class that wraps the sb_t_surface_res structure
 CSbSvlDlParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure
 CSbSvlDlParNetworkDeep Learning network parameters class that wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_network structure
 CSbSvlDlParPerturbationDescribes the perturbation of the image / defect, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_par_perturbation structure
 CSbSvlDlTilingParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_dl_tiling_par structure
 CSbSvlParSvl parameters (not used at the moment) that wraps the sb_t_svl_par structure
 CSbSvlSlParSVL parameters that configure the Shallow Learning training, it wraps the sb_t_svl_sl_par structure
 CSbTileResults of OCR analysis. The class wraps the sb_t_ocr_res structure

See also
 CSbTilesInfoInformation about the tiles used to process the image

See also
 CSbTimeTime class
 CSbUtilsUtils Class
 CSbVersionVersion class that wraps the sb_t_version structure
 CCheckLicenseTutorial 3 - How to check the compatibility of a project with a license configuration.
 CDeepCortexDetectTutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images
 CDeepSurfaceDetectTutorial 3 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images
 CInitLibraryTutorial 1 - How to initialize the library
 CRetinaDetectTutorial 3 - Retina - How to elaborate images
 CRetinaMultiProjectTutorial 7 - Retina - How to use more than one project to detect objects.
 CSurfaceDetectTutorial 9 - Surface - How to elaborate images