SqueezeBrains SDK 1.13
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 sb.hSqueezeBrains libraries header file
 common.cExamples - Common
 common.hExamples - Common header
 init_library.cTutorial 1 - How to initialize the library
 master_license_request.cTutoral 2 - How to require a master license
 retina_detect.cTutorial 3 - Retina - How to elaborate images
 retina_svl_simple.cTutorial 4 - Retina - How to create a project, set samples and execute the training (SVL)
 retina_svl_custom_elaboration.cTutorial 5 - Retina - How to do training and detection with custom elaboration
 retina_svl_project.cTutorial 6 - Retina - how to run the SVL of an existing project
 retina_multi_project.cTutorial 7 - Retina - How to use more than one project to detect objects
 retina_set_roi.cTutorial 8 - Retina - How to set a ROI in the "rtn" file associated to an image
 surface_detect.cTutorial 9 - Surface - How to elaborate images
 surface_svl_simple.cTutorial 10 - Surface - How to create a project, set roi defects and execute the training (SVL)
 check_license_configuration.cTutorial 11 - How to check the compatibility of a project with a license configuration
 deep_cortex_detect.cTutorial 14 - Deep Cortex - How to elaborate images
 deep_cortex_svl_simple.cTutorial 13 - Deep Cortex - How to create a project, set model to images and execute the training (SVL)
 deep_surface_detect.cTutorial 12 - Deep Surface - How to elaborate images
 deep_surface_svl_simple.cTutorial 13 - Deep Surface - How to create a project, import defects labeling from images, and execute the training (SVL)