Enumerator |
SB_ERR_NONE | No errors.
SB_ERR_BASE64_SIZE | The dimension of the base64 buffer isn't 4 bytes aligned.
SB_ERR_BUFFER_SIZE | The buffer has an insufficient size.
SB_ERR_CLS | The function of a classifier has returned an error.
SB_ERR_CLS_CREATE | The function for the creation of the classifier has returned an error.
SB_ERR_CLS_NOT_TRAINED | The training wasn't done.
SB_ERR_CLS_PREDICT | The predict function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_CLS_TRAINING | The training function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_DECRYPT | An error occurred decrypting data.
SB_ERR_DIR_CREATE | An error occurred creating the folder.
SB_ERR_DIR_EXIST | Checking the existence of the folder gave error.
SB_ERR_DIR_NOT_EXIST | The directory doesn't exist.
SB_ERR_DIR_RENAME | An error occurred renaming the folder.
SB_ERR_DIR_REMOVE | An error occurred removing the folder.
SB_ERR_DL_CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY | CUDA Out Of Memory (OOM). Insufficient free GPU memory to execute the operation. Try reducing the batch size or the network input size.
SB_ERR_DL_FRAMEWORK | Impossible to execute the requested operation: Deep Learning Framework not installed or corrupted.
SB_ERR_DL_FREEZE_NOT_PRE_TRAINED | You cannot run SVL from scratch with freeze_mode enabled and pre-training disabled.
SB_ERR_DL_INPAINTER_NOT_ASSIGNED | Deep Learing Inpainter network path is not assigned.
SB_ERR_DL_INPAINTER_NOT_FOUND | Deep Learning inpainter network file not found.
SB_ERR_DL_INPUT_NETWORK_SIZE | Deep Learning wrong input network size.
SB_ERR_DL_INTERNAL | Internal Deep Learning error.
SB_ERR_DL_NETWORK_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Deep Learning Network file not found.
SB_ERR_DL_NO_LABELED_IMAGES | No labeled images.
SB_ERR_DL_NOT_SUPPORTED | Deep Learning module are not supported.
SB_ERR_DL_ONNX_CONVERSION | Error in conversion in onnx format.
SB_ERR_DL_OPENVINO_DATA_NOT_EXIST | OpenVino weights not exist.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_BORDERS_EXTENSION_MODE | The borders extension mode of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_FEATURES_MULTIPLIER | The feature multiplier parameter of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Deep Learning pre-training file not found.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_FILE_NOT_VALID | Deep Learning pre-training file is not valid.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_IMAGE_CHANNELS | The image number of channels of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_IMAGE_FORMAT | The image format of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_INPUT_SIZE | The input image size of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_LOSS_FN | The loss function of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_MODELS_NUMBER | The models number of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_PRE_TRAINING_NETWORK_TYPE | The network type of pre-training file is different from that of the project.
SB_ERR_DL_ROI_DEFECTS_NOT_SET | Not enough ROI defects area in SVL or validation image dataset for at least one model. Increase the ROI defects or the tile factor.
SB_ERR_DL_ROI_NOT_SET | Not enough ROI analysis area in SVL or validation image dataset. Increase the analysis ROI or the tile factor.
SB_ERR_DL_TILING_MODE | Wrong tiling mode.
SB_ERR_DL_TILING_RANGE | It is not possible to calculate the range with the set values.
SB_ERR_DL_TRAINING_DATA_MISSING | Deep Learning training data missing.
SB_ERR_ENCRYPT | An error occurred encrypting data.
SB_ERR_FILE_COPY | Error copying a file.
SB_ERR_FILE_EMPTY | File is empty.
SB_ERR_FILE_EXTENSION | Wrong file extension.
SB_ERR_FILE_FORMAT | Wrong data file format.
SB_ERR_FILE_NAME | Wrong file name: too long or unknown extension.
SB_ERR_FILE_NAME_EMPTY | File name is empty.
SB_ERR_FILE_NAME_LENGHT | File name too long.
SB_ERR_FILE_NOT_EXIST | The file doesn't exist.
SB_ERR_FILE_READ | An error occurred reading the file.
SB_ERR_FILE_REMOVE | Error removing a file.
SB_ERR_FILE_OPEN | An error occurred opening the file.
SB_ERR_FILE_SAVE | An error occurred saving the file.
SB_ERR_FILE_VERSION | The file has no version.
SB_ERR_FILE_WRITE | An error occurred writing the file.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_CHANNELS | The image has a wrong number of channels.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_CIRCULARITY | The image circularity type is wrong.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_COMPRESSION | The image compression type is wrong.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_CREATE | An error occurred creating the image.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_DECODE | An error occurred decoding image.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_DEPTH | The image has a wrong bit depth.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_ENCODE | An error occurred encoding image.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_FORMAT | The image format is wrong.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_LOAD | An error occurred loading the image.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_RESIZE | Image resize function returns an error.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION | The image has a wrong resolution.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_SIZE | Image has a wrong data size.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_SIZE_CIRCULAR | Image resolution is smaller than the minimum allowed to handle circularity, reduce the scale or increase the resolution.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_TYPE | Unknown image type, should be a sb_t_image_info_type enum value.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_WARP | Image warp function returns an error.
SB_ERR_IMAGE_WIDTH_STEP | Image has a wrong width_step value.
SB_ERR_INITIALIZE | You must call the initialize function.
SB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_FREE_MEMORY | Insufficient free memory to complete the svl.
SB_ERR_INTERNAL | Internal error.
SB_ERR_INVALID_MAIL_ADDRESS | Mail address has a wrong format.
SB_ERR_LEVELS_ENABLED | There are no levels enabled.
SB_ERR_LEVELS_NUMBER | There aren't levels, or the number of the levels isn't the expected one, or exceeded the maximum levels number.
SB_ERR_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES | Library dependencies not satisfied to execute the requested operation.
SB_ERR_LIBRARY_FUNCTION_ADDRESS | Could not locate the function.
SB_ERR_LIBRARY_OPEN | Could not load the dynamic library or the shared object.
SB_ERR_LICENSE | The license isn't valid.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_CODE | Code of the TCP/IP license protocol is wrong.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_CORRUPTED | License file is corrupted.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_DISABLED | License is disabled.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED | License is expired.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_FEATURES_NUMBER | Number of features is greater than the maximum allowed for the current license configuration.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_FILE | License file error (not exist, not readable, wrong format, wrong mail address)
SB_ERR_LICENSE_MACHINE_ID_MATCH | Machine id doesn't match.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_MAIL_ADDRESS | Mail address in the license file is wrong.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_MARKER | Marker of the TCP/IP license protocol is wrong.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_MODELS_NUMBER | Number of models is greater than the maximum allowed for the current license configuration.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND | License key not found.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_SAME_MACHINE_ID | Two licenses have the same machine id.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_TRAINING | License error: training is disabled.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_TYPE | The license type is unknown.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_VERSION | License is incompatible with the library version.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_VM | License isn't allowed on Virtual Machine.
SB_ERR_LICENSE_WAIT_SERVER | Waiting to contact the license server.
SB_ERR_MACHINE_ID | Machine id has a wrong format.
SB_ERR_MALLOC | The function that allocates memory gave error
SB_ERR_MEMORY_LEAK | There is a memory leak.
SB_ERR_MODEL_DISABLED | A model is disabled.
SB_ERR_MODEL_NAME | There are two models with the same name.
SB_ERR_MODEL_NAME_UNDEFINED | A sample does not have the model name defined.
SB_ERR_MODEL_NOT_FOUND | The model of the sample is unknown or not assigned.
SB_ERR_MODEL_NOT_TRAINED | The model is not trained.
SB_ERR_MODELS_ENABLED | There are no models enabled.
SB_ERR_MODELS_NUMBER | There aren't models, or the number of the models isn't the expected one, or exceeded the maximum models number.
SB_ERR_NULL_POINTER | Function has been called with a NULL pointer.
SB_ERR_NO_CLASSIFIED_IMAGE | There aren't classified images.
SB_ERR_NO_FEATURES_AVAILABLE | No features available for the data set.
SB_ERR_NO_LEVELS_AVAILABLE | No levels available to be processed.
SB_ERR_NO_FILE_FOUND | No file found in the folder.
SB_ERR_NO_POINT_FOUND | Point isn't found.
SB_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The function isn't implemented.
SB_ERR_NVIDIA_NVML | Nvidia NVML returns an error getting gpu information.
SB_ERR_PATH_SIZE | the path name exceeds the maximum size
SB_ERR_PROJECT_LOAD_MODE | The project was loaded with the wrong load parameter.
SB_ERR_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND | Project not found.
SB_ERR_PROJECT_TYPE | Wrong project type.
SB_ERR_RPF_NAME_EMPTY | The name of solution file is empty.
SB_ERR_ROI | The ROI is wrong.
SB_ERR_ROI_BOUNDING_BOX | Wrong roi bounding box.
SB_ERR_ROI_DEFECTS | The defects ROI is wrong.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_BACKGROUND | Too few background samples to execute the training. Increase the analysis ROI or reduce the scale.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_NOT_FOUND | No sample found.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_NUMBER | Too few samples to execute the training.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_OUT_OF_IMAGE | The sample is out of image.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_WRONG | The sample has wrong data.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_DISTANCE | There are two samples closer than the minimum distance set.
SB_ERR_SAMPLE_SCALE | The sample scale is wrong.
SB_ERR_SAMPLES_GT_TOO_MANY | Too many ground truth samples.
SB_ERR_SCALE_NOT_FOUND | The scale is not found.
SB_ERR_SENTINEL | Sentinel key returns an error.
SB_ERR_SENTINEL_MASTER_KEY | Sentinel LDK Master key not present.
SB_ERR_SENTINEL_TOO_MANY_KEYS | Too many keys connected to the pc.
SB_ERR_SENTINEL_RUN_TIME | Sentinel_LDK_Run-time is not running.
SB_ERR_SOCKET | A socket function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_ACCEPT | Socket accept has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_BIND | An error occurred binding the socket.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_CONNECT | An error occurred connecting the socket.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED | Socket is closed.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_CREATE | An error occurred creating the socket.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_IP | IP address is invalid.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_PORT | Port isn't a valid number.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_IOCTL | Socket ioctl function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_LISTEN | Socket listen function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_MAC | Error while looking for a valid MAC address.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE | Socket receive function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_SELECT | Socket select function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_SEND | Socket send function has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_SET_PARAMETER | Set socket parameter has returned an error.
SB_ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT | Timeout sending or receiving data on socket.
SB_ERR_STRING_EMPTY | String empty.
SB_ERR_STRING_UTF8 | String does not conform to UTF-8 format.
SB_ERR_STRUCT_HEADER_WRONG_CODE | The code of the structure sb_t_struct_header is wrong.
SB_ERR_STRUCT_HEADER_WRONG_SIZE | The dimension of the structure sb_t_struct_header is wrong.
SB_ERR_STRUCT_HEADER_WRONG_VERSION | The version of the structure sb_t_struct_header is wrong.
SB_ERR_SVL_PERTURBATION | A perturbation has not been defined properly.
SB_ERR_SVL_WAS_NOT_DONE | The SVL wasn't done.
SB_ERR_SVL_WRONG | SVL is wrong.
SB_ERR_SVL_CHOOSE_FEATURES | Choose features failed to find a good combination.
SB_ERR_SVL_CHOOSE_FEATURES_FAST | Choose features failed to find a common combination for fast.
SB_ERR_SVL_VALIDATION_DATASET | The SVL images dataset is too small to extract a validation dataset.
SB_ERR_THREAD | Thread management error.
SB_ERR_UUID | The generation of UUID has returned an error or invalid UUID.
SB_ERR_VERSION | Unmanaged version.
SB_ERR_VERSION_FORMAT | Version is not formatted properly.
SB_ERR_WARP_POINT_NOT_FOUND | Point isn't found in the lut.
SB_ERR_WRONG_PARAMETER | The function has been called with a parameter with a wrong value.
SB_ERR_XML | Error parsing xml file.
SB_ERR_XML_NODE_NOT_FOUND | An xml node was not found.